The Development

Highgrove was born from farmland dotted with old English trees. It took years of detailed planning to craft 34 rural residential sites and plant many more trees throughout this 16-hectare estate.

Hand-picked Raglan basalt stonework welcomes you at the entrance. Linked with the appeal of black post-and-rail fencing, stone wall features continue into the estate. More than 1000 trees, 3000 hedging plants and ground cover now lace through each site. Trees stand over three metres tall - many over six - as they merge with the old English trees that blessed Highgrove’s name.


Carefully sourced trees were nurtured in the on-site nursery and tended for years as the development progressed . It’s an impressive mix of deciduous, evergreen and natives. Oaks, liquidambars, London plane, maple, cherries, copper beech, horse chestnuts, tupelos, magnolias, puriri and pohutukawa. Birdsong will flourish here, spring will be a mass of blossom, autumn will be ablaze with colour.

Cul-de-sacs off the central avenue also reflect their personal plantings. Orchard Place has apples and plums. Olive Place has a grove of olives. Griselinia lines the fencing. Nature really touches the soul.

As a park, Highgrove is in its infancy. As a future arboretum, Highgrove will become a sanctuary. Come and see for yourself.

Image of the sections for sale in Highgrove - a subdivision in Matamata

The information on this page is provided in good faith by the developer; however, purchasers should carry out their own due diligence to verify the information.

Image of post boxes at entrance to Highgrove

Common Questions

Are there protective covenants for the subdivision?

To protect the interests of each section owner there are protective covenants registered on each title. The covenants include rules relating to Fencing, Building Standards and Property Maintenance. Your real estate agent can provide you with a copy of these.

Who owns and is responsible for the road?

Matamata – Piako District Council owns and is responsible for Highgrove Avenue, Olive Place and Orchard Place. The access lanes to Sections 13 and 14 and Sections 20 and 21 are private ROW’s owned by those sections.

What are the services provided to each Section in the subdivision?

Power and water are supplied to each Section and fibre optic conduit has been laid to each Section in readiness for connection.

There are no sewer connections with sewerage disposal to be by way of onsite systems.

 Storm water disposal is via individual storm water soakage pits.

Mail delivery is to mailboxes situated at the start of Highgrove Avenue.

As Highgrove is outside of the town boundary Council does not collect rubbish.

What species of trees have been planted?

The developers have planted in excess of 1,000 established trees, and over 3,000 hedging and ground cover plants on the property.

A list of trees situated on each section is available. Should owners wish to plant further trees the developers can source trees ranging in size from 2m in height to 6m+ in
height. Smaller trees are in 45L bags and larger trees are inground and trucked
onto site with a tree spade.

Existing plantings include:

  • Station Road – Liquidamber styraciflua (American Sweetgum).
  • Highgrove Avenue, Olive Place, Orchard Place – Tilia platyphyllos (Linden Lime). 
  • ROW’s – Prunus shimidsu Sakura (Flowering Cherry).
  • Varieties have been chosen on form, growth and autumn colour.
  • Hedging – Griselinia littoralis.
  • Groundcover – Lomandra (entry and setbacks) and Hedera helix (roundabouts).

Section plantings include Claret Ash, Purple Spire Ash, Liriodendron, Magnolia, Tupelo, London Plane, Pin Oak, African Oak, English Oak, Maple, Copper Beech, Horse Chestnut, Ornamental Pear, Japanese Maple, Northern Red Oak, Ginkgo Biloba and Hornbeam

Further deciduous and evergreen trees are to be planted during the winter months.

Are any trees protected?

Council has Consent Notices relating to mitigation planting of trees and hedging fronting Station Road and trees on the western boundary of the subdivision. The Consent Notice requires the section owners to maintain and replace trees and hedging as required.

Should any purchaser require trees to be shifted, then the developer can arrange for them to be moved on site or relocated to another site.

What is the arrangement for the supply of water to each section?

Water is supplied to each lot by Highgrove Services Limited, a company owned by the 34 section owners. A copy of the Constitution and the Minutes of the AGM are available on request. One share is transferred to the purchaser of each Section on settlement.

Highgrove Services Limited owns the bores and submersible pumps, concrete pumping shed, reticulation pumps, tanks and in ground reticulation and meters and is responsible for the maintenance of these and the allocation of charges. 

Each Section has an allocation of an average 0.88 cu.m per day of water and a maximum on any one day of 4.4 cu.m . Water meters are installed. 

Water is drawn from two bores each approx. 80m deep that are situated on Sections 5 and 10 and it is then stored in 3 x 25,000 litre tanks situated on Section 5. The water is then reticulated to each lot by twin variable speed Lowara pumps.

What is the cost of water supply to each owner?

There is an annual charge to owners to cover maintenance plus a charge based on usage invoiced 6 monthly. It is estimated that fixed charge will be approximately $100.00 per annum and usage costs will be in the vicinity of $80.00 per annum for average household usage. A breakdown of the costs are in the AGM minutes of Highgrove Services Ltd.

However, the developers will cover all fixed and variable costs of Highgrove Services Ltd until 31st December 2024.

What is the quality of the water?

The water is of potable quality and water tests carried out by Hills Laboratories show no issues with water quality. A copy of the water tests is available on request. Highgrove Services Limited will continue to have tests carried out at suitable intervals. 

Who maintains to grass verges on Station Road and the grass swales within the subdivision?

Maintenance of the swales and verges that bound an allotment are the responsibility of the section owner.

However, the developers will maintain both the swales and the verges until 31st July 2024.

In addition, the developers will continue to maintain and mow grass on both sold and unsold sections until 31st July 2024 although this will cease on a site once construction commences.

Where can I find further information?

Your real estate agent can provide you with copies of the Easement Certificates, Land Covenants and Consents Notices which are registered on the titles. 

Olive Place 1
18 Orchard Place 1420378
Matamata Oct 2023 2711
37 Highgrove Aaron Radford AR5 8050
Matamata Oct 2023 _0997
Matamata Oct 2023_2715
Fencing House in Background
Matamata Oct 2023 2727
Highgrove summer JB 1420410
29 Highgrove Aaron Radford AR5 8040

"Society grows great when old men plant trees they will never sit in the shade of"